问题2. Describe one of the most challenging projects you have participated in the past years?
问题3. Tell me about a situation that irritated you.
问题4. Tell me about something you failed to accomplish in your last position.
问题5. Who is the toughest person you found it difficult to work with? And how did you handle this situation?
问题6. What are the major personality differences between you and your last boss?
对Behavioural-based Interview questions的回答,要极力做到“STAR”。S(Situation that existed),T(Task or problem to be undertaken),A(Action taken by yourself)和R(Result what happened);也就是对每一个问题,要讲一个小故事,当然是自己经历的真实的故事,包括:(1)发生的时间、地点、项目和涉及到的人员;(2)要完成的任务或遇到的问题;(3)自己采取了哪些步骤或行动;(4)得出了什么样的结果,取得了什么成就。所有这四大方面内容缺一不可,必须完整。